Fiber Optic Cable arrow Purchase FAQs
shipping International shipping
we ship worldwide. If UPS, DHL or FedEx delivers to your country, we will usually ship to it. We can even ship to your DHL, UPS or FedEX account on collect basis. You can also choose to use your own forwarder, we will give the goods to them.
contract Making contracts
The agreed proforma invoice and/or agreed purchase order will be regarded as the sales contract. The customers can also require other ways of establishing the sales contract in their preferred  manner.
payment Payment terms
We offer secured payment terms to protect the rights of our customers.
privacyPrivacy policy
We never rent or sell our customers' data to anyone. All information held is strictly confidential and will not be revealed  to any other parties outside Infini fiber optic cable, Inc.
warranty  Warranty
Our products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year unless otherwise stated from the date of delivery to the initial end user of the product.

Canada Fiber Optic Supplier

Fiber Optic Canada Limited
Factory Address: Block 5, Wangtang Industrial Park,Nanshan Area, Shenzhen,China
Canada Address:Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario